
Oct 2014 - p3/p4 - 

Halloween. The fest of Ghosts, the Dead, Pumkins and the Witches. Here are the plays of Witches. One from YouTube, and another from "pax fantasica".

"This is the Hallowe'en, When all the witches can be seen."

A toad and a spider on a boiling pot.


Is this Witch's?

"This is the Hallowe'en, When all the witches can be seen."

Ok, my turn first. Le me show you my play of Witches.

Once upon a time, there lived three Witches in a deep forest.

First, is a spider Witch. She is red and neutral.

Second, is a midnight Witch. She loves bats and loves to fly at night. Hates housekeeping. Originally, a good Witch, but a little lazy, and got out of home.

Third, the last one, is a crow Witch. Just evil. Angry, irritating, arrogant, selfish, violent, and greed. Looks beautiful and attracting to male Wizards, but in fact, she hates them. She, however, loves to feel like being a Queen.

One day, they disputed.

They have to decide who to win. They have to decide who has the strongest power of magic. But they don't know how they can. Either good or evil, Witches persist on fairness.

Finally they visited an old Witch to ask her to choose the best.

"A toad, a spider, and a bundle of herb. With a few drops of this special portion..."

Mew, mew.

Hey, what are you making? Boiling, decocting, and extracting?

Oh, cat, black cat, don't care about it. You'd better go there. Catch more rats, cat.

Mew, mew.

Hi, Grandma, I'm Back!!

Mmm, I don't know you at all. I don't know such a bad Witch that doesn't clean house, doesn't study magic, doesn't make medicine, but that just flies and flies. Such a bad Witch isn't my granddaughter. Get out here.

No, no, please, grandma!

I need your help.


G.. grandma...

Rival Witches laughed a fool.

Ha ha ha! You've tried a cheat, but failed! You tried to ask YOUR grandmother to be a referee? It can not be fair! This cheat girl! Ashamed!

S... sorry.. Forgive me..

But I didn't intend such a cheat. Simply, my grandma is a grand great Witch of legend. She knows physics, she know chemistry, and she knows biology, all of the lives on the planets. Her glasses, boiling pot, a bottle of portion, herb, fern, fungi, spider, toad, and cat show it, don't them?

Yeah, we know she is a grand great Witch. Almost like a goddess of the planet. She must be highly respected as an Ancestor of all the Scientific Girls! But YOU ARE NOT!!

Waa!!! Please, please forgive me~~~

(Another Witch behind:

Unbelievable! Every one forgets me! They forget this great Witch of Bizarre. The Witch of Cow-Bone! Unforgivable! I must curse t'em all!)

Suddenly, the world became dark. Dark and cold.

W, what?

The Sun's gone?

This is the curse. First, light's gone, and getting cooler. Later, the world will be heated and burn, with you all.


The grand great Witch breathed a big sigh.

Scattering there. It's annoying me!

Witches, the Spider, the Crow, and my shameful granddaughter, the Midnight, here is the game!

The game of creation magic!

Can you create plants and bring them up in a second? Let's do that. Show me your magic!!

O, ok!!!

Midnight Witch:

Ok! My turn first! Here we go!

Yes! A stump and a young fern!

All: Nope. Small yet.

Spider Witch:

My turn next. Let me show you ...

Take a look! A redwood and young, fresh trees! Me winner, right?

All: Nope. Small yet, too.

Crow Witch:

You two are weak. Can not beat me. Let's see my power!

Crow Witch:

Look at that!

Finer redwood, more matured woods, and rare species on a big rock!

I'm a winner!

(Midnight and Spider: Is,, is it matured? Small yet!!)

Grandma, who do you think the winner?


Science is silence.

My cat, it almost finished. Just a second.

What's that, master?

Let me show you ...

... in a second...

... in a second...

... in a second...

... in a second...

It's a long, long, long second. It must be the longest second ever.



I've done it! Finished! This is the most delicious, healthy, nutritious and best-smelling food for cats I have ever cooked! You, black cat, try to have it!

Mewwwwww!! Nope! Nope! Looking worst! Smelling worst! I don't like it!

Shout up! Good medicine is always suffering in mouth!

Noooo! You say contradictory! And I'm not sick! I don't need a medicine!


What a taste!!

Stop that silly comedy!!
All the plants you created are so tiny that I can easily vanish them all in a second. A real second!

Vanish 'em all!! And the world of Death, come on!


And ghosts...

G.. grandma..... Help us...


The grand great Witch breathed a big sigh.

Ok, ok, tiny Witches. I'll show you my power. A fragment of my power. No. Actually, this is not my power. This is simply a power of the planet. The power of the universe. I just learned it, and can borrow it a bit. You, fool, my granddaughter, you'd better come back home and study harder.


With just a simple word from grand great Witch's mouth, their house in the valley became surrounded by a fast-growing green forest.

It was in a second. A real "second" this time.

Well, did you find who is the best Witch? - Y, yeah, master.

Ok, ok, good girls. Don't fight against each other. Just learn more.

- fins. -

How's the Witches play? Do you like it?

Here is another story of Witch. Rhymed, cute, and mysterious story. Gene luckily found it on YouTube and became fan of it. Let's see together.

And see you soon again!