
May 2016 FIND IN NATURE 02 

Along the river, hiking dad and his daughter found beavers, otters and a kingfisher. Why not to take a look at mountainous region, too?

Early summer comes in mountains too.

And wild lives are there, off course.

A snake.

A crow.


From his hideaway under bush, well equipped for camouflager, he is showing his patience...



Nope. The mice are trying to steal his lunchbox probably.

He is...

A cameraman.

A researcher.

And a naturalist!

What he is trying to shoot by his still camera and professional camcorder is...

Wildcats in their wild life!

Wildcat, also known as lynx, is yet another new comer in playmobil world!

One of the Gene's most favorite wild life on Earth! Gene watched a wildcat in Californian mountain.

Are you European lynx, or a north American?

A wild mother with her kittens are so dangerous!

Protect your kids, cat!

And protect yourself, man!
Do not worry. He is so lucky today that finally he can get closer to the cats!

Start your camcorder now!!

He studies nature, researches wildlife, take pictures of them, because he loves wild life and the nature on this planet.

We love the Earth!!

A river runs through it.

A mountain stands still.

The Earth is going round.

Hiking and finding.

Hiding and finding.


hunting and finding?

Yep. I'm a hunter. But I shoot no beavers, otters, kingfishers, crows, snakes, mice and wildcats. Why? Because I do not eat 'em! Not good for a table, man. I only hunt what I have for my own life!

He loves nature as well.

Just in his way.

Yet another naturalist.

Lives for lives.

Live for life.