
Apr 2017 Once Upon A Time, And Now

Today, one legacy came to its end. It is, however, a beginning of a new legend of coming generations. Do not cry. Do not be sad. Do not take your eyes off of it. Playmoland, together with Playmobil, never ends. It will give us more..

Looking back 2017

In my childhood, probably when I was 7 years old, Dad and I found a great shop in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo.

The shop was full of toys like figures of animals, dinosaurs, mythical beings and German-made collective toys called - playmobil -.

The shop was "playmoland" a.k.a. "Shimokitazawa Zoo!"

Dad and Mom took me there almost every week, and I soon became an enthusiast of living creatures, those extinct,

and even those no one has seen.

It was my dream land.

Dream lands of my childhood.

Although the shop was closed on Sunday, April 23rd, 2017 -I never forgot it since it was my 8th birthday as well-, there is no doubt that the shop and toys made me such a kid, and finally a man.

Those toys, nope, the creatures, were almost like a key to the limitless world, the eternal universe, and the space approaching to my life. Day by day, I became fascinated with the wonderland of the lives.

Yes. 30 years ago, I innocently wanted to be a man called "Dr." or "Professor". Just like many kids.

But at that time, I never expected, even imagined, me to be leading such an incredible life.

Such a life as..

An astronaut!

A scientist!

On this virgin satellite far away from our Earth!!

2047 Space Mission

Yes. I'm now on the surface of Enceladus, the icy satellite of Saturn!

Can you believe it?

A small step for a man, but a giant leap for mankind, again!!


.. oops!! ..


.. but it's ok, let it go.. just let it go..

With this special NASA suit, the cold never bother me anyway..

I mean, NASA Johnson Style!


Just a moment. I'm going to make today's observation report done.

As every one knows, it was also 30 years ago.

Saturn's satellite Enceladus was found to be with liquid water and the source of thermal activity.

Even before the discovery, it was known as an ice ball, but the existence of liquid water and hot spot in deep under-ice ocean had completely different meaning.

Yes. The possibility of living thing.

Extraterrestrial being!!

Ok. Even if we found it, it must be a tiny microorganism. It shouldn't be an intellectual being which we can linguistically communicate with, nor an bizarre squid or octopus with tentacles.

Wait. It could be. Some squid-like creatures might be jet-swimming under deep ocean..

Anyway, I'm the first living thing that was born on the Earth and came to this surface.

The most important mission through my life. 

I never expected this 30 years ago..


Are you asking whether I'm feeling alone?

I don't want to be a liar, but I'm ok, because..

I'm always with my friends!

Even away from the surface of the Earth, I'm not feeling lonely!!

...though my wife called me a kid..

Wait! Huh!?

Thermal signal there!

.. How're my eyes!? Is it a dog? A dog on the icy surface?? Is this a daydream!?

.. No way. Don't kid me..

Accomplishing this top priority mission with big success, I must go back to the Earth.

Find the life source.

Determine whether we can immigrate here or not.

Do not let Marsians handle this satellite..

I'm an astronaut belonging to U.S.E. - United States on Earth.

As every one knows, the first single united political unit on the Earth. This democratic nation of mankind was founded in 2032 with more than 10 billion population. The unification brought a super huge free market on the planet, and gave the people great wealth and .. division..

Following a population explosion, the U.S.E. has soon sent men and women to the Moon, Mars and Venus.

Firstly, the immigration was on good way. The result was however..

Now, the Marsians left the States. Broke the unification. The dictators and poor extremists led the new nation called "The Crimson Empire". The Moon is ok as a remote land of Earth and is flourished as a trade center, but the Venus is also trying to separate from the States..

I'm afraid the new age of..

Tonight, I've got a message from Earth. From my wife.

A good news, nope, great news!

She gave a birth to our daughter!

For my family and the people of the States, I must accomplish this mission..

2077 Mission for Happy Science

Yes! As a delegates of Marsians, we're delighted to leave our footprints here on the surface of the Enceladus!! A small step for a woman but..

Hey, by the way, did you see the girl?

Do you mean our Leader? Do not call her "a girl". Sure she is young, and an Earthian, but she is a proven leader.

Yes, I know it. Just kidding..



Hey, Dad! I found an incredible thing over there, come with me!!

Wait! Brake! Do not hurry! Take it easy! What happens!?


During the mission, don't call me "Dad"!


I'm a Professor!!

Call me "Dr." or "Professor", not Dad!

Ok, Dad,


I know you're a legendary hero of the States as the first man on the Enc, but now I'm a leader. The leader of this joint mission with Marsians. When I want to call you Dad, I'll do it!

- But I always respect you as a great professor, a brave astronaut, and a big predecessor of us, Dad.-

Anyway, Dad or Dr., hurry up! No words! Just come and see it. Follow me!


Over there, I found strange structure like an artificial building. Made our of stone, but it is like .. a pyramid or a zigrat.  Even with a stature like a sphinx with Dog head!!

What!? An artificial structure? No kidding. I can't believe it!

Just come and see it!

In 2077, the first joint mission of the U.S.E. and the Republic of the Mars successfully sent a convoy to the surface of the Enceladus.

R.O.M., which was founded 10 years ago as a result of the democratic and no-blood revolution in the Crimson Empire, abandoned the martial use of the space and invited the U.S.E. to this joint mission purely for the science. It is planned that the Venusese will join a year later.

No economic dominance.

No power game.

No war.

These are becoming the new slogan in the last quarter of the 21st century.

Looking back 2017 again and look forward 60 years later


Do you want to know the later story of the shop?

Do you say people in Tokyo feel missing it?

No worry.

Right after the shop closed, Dad, Mom and I left Tokyo, but a few years later, one of my friends there wrote to me that she found the shop there again! Yes, it re-opened!

And it is still there...

Handled by the new generations of the shop chiefs and staffs,

the shop is still there.

According to the recent business news from the Earth,

it is more and more flourishing.

Hi, Madam!

Girls, how're you doing!?


2017 - 2047 - 2077

Eternal Happy Playmobil!