
Dec 2019 20K Leagues Under The Spring Sea

This is the track I should have made for the very beginning of the year, but still OK right before the Lunar New Year, which is coming in a week! An exotic sound in the naval far east!

The track called “Chunhae”, or the Sea in the Spring, combined the traditional anthem in the Eastern culture and the Hip-Hop rhythm. A Native Instruments "STREET SWARM" drum kit brought a sense of old soundtrack, the sound of a harp, Shakuhachi, and Middle Eastern winds echo the exotic atmosphere, and finally the massive use of sci-fi video effects matches Le Capitaine Nemo -like submarine crew. With versatile playmobil figures expressing the diversified sphere on the planet, the core theme of the movie was set to the peace, off course.

And, a new recommended set of playmobil, "700005 Top Agent S.H.A.R.K. Drill Destroyer", a drill-equipped and futuristic submarine, which reminds me of the Nautilus - my dream in my childhood -, with human and robotic crews, shows my new work of playmobil stop motion picture! Can you find all of the parts moving?? I hope you enjoy it!

Happy Lunar New Year 2019!


Jan 2019 Big Picture 

- The World Never Be The Same, Keep It However

Open your eyes, and see the big picture of 2019!!

After an almost month long silence, just like "shutdown", I finally made a couple of tracks for the first time in this year 2019, and this is the one of them!

My first try to fully use Native Instruments unique synthesizer called "FORM", together with drum synth "POLYPLEX". A motion sound. Plus, the newly installed video effects also gave a sense of sci-fi to the movie!

This video combined the two playmobil stories together, with three newly photographed figures. The first half of the story is based on Greek mythology, mostly "Titanomachy", the war between the old ones, or Titans, and the new, Olympus, while the latter features the futuristic space fantasy based on Chinese legends/folklore called "Xi You Ji" or Journey to the West. Both shared the sense of so-called "space alchaeology", where the playmobils in space suits and with super hi-tech weapons play roles of gods and daemons in the ancient legends. Some figures play dual roles in the two stories. Can you tell who is who? Especially, a man in the white astronaut suit and another in yellow?

One more thing to say, the new girl figure in the middle, blonde hair, in indigo, with laser handgun, in front of ZOIDS Sabre-tiger, is my original, made in Playmobil Fun Store in Berlin!!

Happy New Year 2019


Dec 2018 Schwartzwalt - Waving snow mix

The end of 2018, but it's not the end of the world!  At least I hope.
Let's get together right in front of the power of music, and the power of love. Regardless of your position, stance and attitude, the Earth is going around, then the new year will come to you!

My first composition out of a brand new iOS app by KORG, "Electribe Wave". Virtually my first music with wavetable synthesizer as well. This was composed above 32K feet altitude and arranged in Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Tokyo on the ground.

BTW, needless to say, you must know the name of the frog. Yes, it's another König or Kaiser. Yes, his name is Friedrich. Most likely.

Everything was produced by ... him. Could be.

Happy holidays, and see you in 2019!


Nov 2018 Stray Seven - Alex Got Funk

It was from above 32,000 ft in the sky!

Yeah, I crafted this song in the plane. Right after I was inspired by funk and R&B music being on the air in Alexandria, VA, USA.

I know the theme of these movies are controversy. I, however, hope you would find the real message behind.

BTW, by watching this series of stop motion movies, did you find who was a brother of who, and who was a daughter of who?

* Again, this is a forgotten post in November.


Nov 2018 Stray Seven - autumn automation

Once upon a time, there strayed seven gunmen, or six men and a woman in the wild west. They're called "Stray Seven". - playmobil stop motion animation, after long long interval!

Featuring NI Expansion "Sierra Grove", I just mixed guitar chords and  simple rhythm track out of the kit, with instruments like various bass sounds, or keyboard chord. The finally completed track which I named "autumn automation", gave me a sense of a movie end-roll, of old-fashioned, out-law, a band of vagabonds, as such. How many? It must be seven!

* After this video was posted on YouTuve, I completely forgot to copy it here in this blog!


Nov 2018 Oktober Volks - Thanks Giving Edition



題して、『Oktoberfest - Thanks Giving Edition』!!




そう、Thanks Giving Dayは、ターキーの日!!

Wild Turkey!!



Oct 2018 Oktober Volks

Oktober - food - fest!

Every volk, whatever your ethnicity is, get along with us together to celebrate the harvest and a gastronomic culture of each of us!