Dec 2017 3X3 Sages extra episode
えー、時はいま、2018年2月。2月演目作成中に気付いてしまいました。そう、12月のマギの演目に重要な一説を書き加えてなかったことを。(一部途中で)アップしてなかったことを!"Purple Jack"のアップといい、なんだかなーな12月ですが、、、めげずにいまさら追記します。ご容赦を!こんにちは!きょうはわたくし崔観宇が、ディレクターモードから准教授モードに戻って、とある論文を発表したいと思います。その論文とは、、
- 東の果てのマギ』
Actually uploaded on Feb 23rd 2018
サーサーン朝時代では、中期ペルシア語(パフラヴィー語)でゾロアスター教の神官であるマギのことを「マグ」ないし「モウ」 (mgwy / mag, mow) と呼んでいた。特にオーフルマズド神(アフラ・マズダー)やアナーヒード女神(アナーヒター)などの神々に捧げられた拝火神殿を管理するような高位の神官は「モウバド」 (mgwpt / mowbad, mōbad) と呼ばれ、モウバドの管理のもと多くのマグたちが神殿の運営や儀式を執り行っていたようである。
In Median sources:
The Avestan word magâunô, i.e. the religious caste of the Medes, (see Yasna 33.7: ýâ sruyê parê magâunô "so I can be heard beyond Magi"), seems to be the origin of the term.
The term only appears twice in Iranian texts from before the 5th century BCE, and only one of these can be dated with precision. This one instance occurs in the trilingual Behistun inscription of Darius the Great, and which can be dated to about 520 BCE. In this trilingual text, certain rebels have 'magian' as an attribute; in the Old Persian portion as maγu- (generally assumed to be a loan word from Median). The meaning of the term in this context is uncertain.
The other instance appears in the texts of the Avesta, i.e. in the sacred literature of Zoroastrianism. In this instance, which is in the Younger Avestan portion, the term appears in the hapax moghu.tbiš, meaning "hostile to the moghu", where moghu does not (as was previously thought) mean "magus", but rather "a member of the tribe" or referred to a particular social class in the proto-Iranian language and then continued to do so in Avestan.
An unrelated term, but previously assumed to be related, appears in the older Gathic Avestan language texts. This word, adjectival magavan meaning "possessing maga-", was once the premise that Avestan maga- and Median (i.e. Old Persian) magu- were co-eval (and also that both these were cognates of Vedic Sanskrit magha-). While "in the Gathas the word seems to mean both the teaching of Zoroaster and the community that accepted that teaching", and it seems that Avestan maga- is related to Sanskrit magha-, "there is no reason to suppose that the western Iranian form magu (Magus) has exactly the same meaning" as well.
But it "may be, however", that Avestan moghu (which is not the same as Avestan maga-) "and Medean magu were the same word in origin, a common Iranian term for 'member of the tribe' having developed among the Medes the special sense of 'member of the (priestly) tribe', hence a priest."
すなわち、マギとは、もともとマグ / モウ / モウバドなどと呼ばれた司祭階級で、子音でいえば、mghという音で表現されていたという訳です。
In Chinese sources:
Chinese Bronzeware script for wu 巫 "shaman".
Victor H. Mair provides archaeological and linguistic evidence suggesting that Chinese wū (巫 "shaman; witch, wizard; magician", Old Chinese *myag) was maybe a loanword from Old Persian *maguš "magician; magi". He describes:
The recent discovery at an early Chou site of two figurines with unmistakably Caucasoid or Europoid feature is startling prima facie evidence of East-West interaction during the first half of the first millennium Before the Current Era. It is especially interesting that one of the figurines bears on the top of his head the clearly incised graph ☩ which identifies him as a wu (< *myag).
These figurines, which are dated circa 8th century BCE, were discovered during a 1980 excavation of a Zhou Dynasty palace in Fufeng County, Shaanxi Province.
Mair connects the ancient Bronzeware script for wu 巫 "shaman" (a cross with potents) with a Western heraldic symbol of magicians, the cross potent ☩, which "can hardly be attributable to sheer coincidence or chance independent origination."
Compared with the linguistic reconstructions of many Indo-European languages, the current reconstruction of Old (or "Archaic") Chinese is more provisional. This velar final -g in Mair's *myag (巫) is evident in several Old Chinese reconstructions (Dong Tonghe's *mywag, Zhou Fagao's *mjwaγ, and Li Fanggui's *mjag), but not all (Bernhard Karlgren's *mywo and Axel Schuessler's *ma).
「巫」という文字は現代チウゴク語では wu と発音しますが、上古音では myag という音であり、これはまさに、ペルシアの mgh にあたるというわけです。その他の時代や地域のチウゴクにおける音を調べても、ペルシア語との近接性がみてとれます。
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南斗水鳥拳!シャゥオっ! |
これぜんぜん違いますよね。ミコって、御子とか神子とか皇子/皇女/親王とかあるがゆえに、ついついあたりまえに和語だと思いがちですが、少なくとも神に仕える神官としてのミコは、mgh → myag からの、Mの音ではないでしょうか?さらに言えば、ミコ/miko の Kは、mgh/myag の g の濁音が清音になっての k なんじゃあないでしょうか!?
これは、麻黄=マオウ=Hauma/Haoma/Soma としたあの学説や、酪≒LAC とした学説に続く、チウゴク語の(少なくとも語彙の点での)西との共通点、ユーラシア大陸を超えた人類の歴史ってことになりますね!!!
- Secret of Magi -
- End -