
Dec 2018 Schwartzwalt - Waving snow mix

The end of 2018, but it's not the end of the world!  At least I hope.
Let's get together right in front of the power of music, and the power of love. Regardless of your position, stance and attitude, the Earth is going around, then the new year will come to you!

My first composition out of a brand new iOS app by KORG, "Electribe Wave". Virtually my first music with wavetable synthesizer as well. This was composed above 32K feet altitude and arranged in Munich, Berlin, Frankfurt, and Tokyo on the ground.

BTW, needless to say, you must know the name of the frog. Yes, it's another König or Kaiser. Yes, his name is Friedrich. Most likely.

Everything was produced by ... him. Could be.

Happy holidays, and see you in 2019!


Nov 2018 Stray Seven - Alex Got Funk

It was from above 32,000 ft in the sky!

Yeah, I crafted this song in the plane. Right after I was inspired by funk and R&B music being on the air in Alexandria, VA, USA.

I know the theme of these movies are controversy. I, however, hope you would find the real message behind.

BTW, by watching this series of stop motion movies, did you find who was a brother of who, and who was a daughter of who?

* Again, this is a forgotten post in November.


Nov 2018 Stray Seven - autumn automation

Once upon a time, there strayed seven gunmen, or six men and a woman in the wild west. They're called "Stray Seven". - playmobil stop motion animation, after long long interval!

Featuring NI Expansion "Sierra Grove", I just mixed guitar chords and  simple rhythm track out of the kit, with instruments like various bass sounds, or keyboard chord. The finally completed track which I named "autumn automation", gave me a sense of a movie end-roll, of old-fashioned, out-law, a band of vagabonds, as such. How many? It must be seven!

* After this video was posted on YouTuve, I completely forgot to copy it here in this blog!


Nov 2018 Oktober Volks - Thanks Giving Edition



題して、『Oktoberfest - Thanks Giving Edition』!!




そう、Thanks Giving Dayは、ターキーの日!!

Wild Turkey!!



Oct 2018 Oktober Volks

Oktober - food - fest!

Every volk, whatever your ethnicity is, get along with us together to celebrate the harvest and a gastronomic culture of each of us!


Sep 2018 Loser

I know this video had been uploaded in October. But I also know this had been edited in the September. It was when I accepted that I had been a loser.

Almost all the playmobil here were defeated.

As long as you do not lose yourself, however, you're not a loser.

Get up! Stand up! Resurrect!!


Aug 2018 Funky Soulful Disko - 02 Funkatonic Kool

Another funky soulful disko sound for the ocean.

Summer does never end. Neither soulful house does!


Aug 2018 Funky Soul Disko - 01 Ageless Move

Funky Soulful Disko tune for the Summer!

Expansions such as Elastic Thump and Timeless Glow gave tracks bouncing rhythm and groove.

[On the unusual theater for the Summer Festival!?]


Jul 2018 Humanism - 03 Try the Trident

And finally, this is the last episode of my July theater. Protesters's march turned into a teenage riot! It's sympathetic, but SEK must bring peace, law and order to the society. Kids, you must learn the rule first!

Again, an homage to 70's animation in Japan. My childhood. Tri-Attack! If the brass band boys made friends with rock band boys in his university days, and had a joint session, it would be like this. The guitar sound. The intro. It is out of NI's super instrument: Electric Sunburst.

Featuring TAKARA TOMMY's recent works, playmobils on the bug maschines! Every boys in the summer must like it, isn't he?

Jul 2018 Humanism - 02 Because I'm a Maschine

Emergency alert! Emergency Alert! Rebels uprising! With the European  most advanced arms stolen!? Whoever the enemy is, whatever their arm is, SEK will protect the people in the region! Because we're SEK!

I though I had uploaded this video on July 24th.. Completely misunderstood. Anyway, this is the second chapter of July theater. Another tribute to the Japanese animation in maybe 70s? Very famous music, isn't it? BECAUSE I'M A MASCHINE!

If the school brass band boy found Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra in his high school day, maybe his band would be like this, wouldn't it? High tempo, swinging and back beat. My almost first time to use MASCHINE's swing feature.


Jul 2018 Humanism - 01 Who Dares to Do It?

There comes SEK, Spezialeinsatzkommandos or Special Deployment Commando, who protect the law and order of German states and cities. But in 2029, the other technologically advanced solutions like unmanned combat vehicles or even androids are expected to replace the position of them as the guardian of freedom, democracy, national security and industrial wealth. Are they old-fashioned?  Will they be abandoned? No! If they don't do it, who dares to do it!

This is a cover song or a tribute to a Japanese 70s animation theme music. Maybe Italians know the original. Played with Session Horns Pro, this is almost like "if I had joined a student brass band in my junior high school days". I know the play is just shabby.. All horns were played with KOMPLETE keyboard only, no EWI USB. Some climax lost its timing and tension. Even the movie doesn't match the sound. Ok, ok, it's my junior high school days! :-)

Session Horns Pro is definitely a great instrument set. If an experienced creator use it, it would be an ideal tool to elaborate the music by bringing big band or soul taste there.


Jul 2018 Humanism - prologue

The new story begins. It's 2029. The new world order is bringing a shadow on the most liberal and free nation in the world.

Watch this prologue and the sequence of three more videos coming soon!

Out of Prismatic Bliss, Direction, Glacier and In Orbit Kits combined with THE GIANT piano made an ambient electronica sound as promised. The sound was originally created as BPM 128 to express an unusual chilly rain in June 2018. This version is more slowly, BPM 120. It gave the story some anxiety.


Jun 2018 Get the Party Landed - Chapter 5: June Bride

Let's get the party landed! Watch the band of smiling musician celebrating the happy June bride of Elf married with a brave Dwarf!

The one of the most famous celebration song on the planet. Piano play along with the voice of Bryan and Strawberry.


Jun 2018 Get the Party Landed - Chapter 4: Qualification

Hey, boy, can you convince the arrogant queens of Elves? Can you persuade them to help dwarfs despite their hostile tradition against dwarfs? The fate of the Zwergreich is on your shoulders!

The reality is, however... Waldzwerg, the old one, and Fliegenpilzelf, his friend, know all..


Jun 2018 Get the Party Landed - Chapter 3: Aviation

Fly to the Alfheim! Don't be afraid. There you can find your destiny! The most innovative dwarf ever will turn the wheel of fortune of the dwarfdom and a boy.

Another set of effects like resonant chord, ice, beat delay, solid dynamics and supercharger GT again gives Hurdy Gurdy a bit different feelings.

Jun 2018 Get the Party Landed - Chapter 2: East West

Catastrophe or even apocalypse are approaching to the Zgergreich or the Dwarfdom. How's their fate going? Can the two tribes of dwarf cooperate without conflict?

Again, Hurdy Gurdy, with flanger LFO synch, resonant chord, replika high cut and supercharger GT, the story and the soundtrack continue.


Jun 2018 Get the Party Landed - Chapter 1: Rumor 

Do you know what Dwarfs fear most? Listen to a conversation and find it out!

Featuring Hurdy Gurdy, a mid-age European folk musical instrument, with effects like reverb legacy, grain stretch, beat delay, solid dynamics and super charger GT, it is happy if you'd feel some sense of fantasy Europe out of this soundtrack.


May 2018 Fun to Go Out, the Movie - The Adventurers - vol.5

Finally, the young adventurers become able to ride on horses well!

Based on my vague memory of soundtracks for legendary action role playing video game in 80s, and featuring Sonokinetic's Hurdy Gurdy instrument, out here are a series of adventurers' songs.

The final Chapter 5: To the Future, which incorporates Replika XT as an running effect, celebrates the brightly shining future of the next generation! Happy Kids Day (at least in the Eastern end.)

May 2018 Fun to Go Out, the Movie - The Adventurers - vol.4

The adventurers are not always able to run fast. They need to take a rest. So do people in real life. Whichever the rest is temporal or permanent in peace.

Based on my vague memory of soundtracks for legendary action role playing video game in 80s, and featuring Sonokinetic's Hurdy Gurdy instrument, out here are a series of adventurers' songs.

Chapter 4: Return and Rest, the exact scene of which I have no idea   but is probably a temporal game over or return to the town. Maybe.

May 2018 Fun to Go Out, the Movie - The Adventurers - vol.3

Are you looking for birds or beasts? It would be more than fantastic to encounter wild lives while exploring in nature. Based on my vague memory of soundtracks for legendary action role playing video game in 80s, and featuring Sonokinetic's Hurdy Gurdy instrument, out here are a series of adventurers' songs. Chapter 3: Risk and Reward, which reminds me of battle field scene of the game, takes you to the nest of a kingfisher, beavers, otters and a family of lynx!


May 2018 Fun to Go Out, the Movie - The Adventurers - vol.2

Whether you're a big fun or anti.., you must know those "monsters", which you will encounter when outta town.

Based on my vague memory of soundtracks for legendary action role playing video game in 80s, and featuring Sonokinetic's Hurdy Gurdy instrument, out here are a series of adventurers' songs.

Chapter 2: Outta Town introduces you to the edge of the peaceful town and lets you dive into the real adventure!

May 2018 Fun to Go Out, the Movie - The Adventurers - vol.1

It's almost early summer. Why not go out for adventures! Riding on a horse? Looking for monsters? Or documenting wild lives? Whichever you like, let's get out and find treasures!

Based on my vague memory of soundtracks for legendary action role playing video game in 80s, and featuring Sonokinetic's Hurdy Gurdy instrument, out here are a series of adventurers' songs.


Apr 2018 Fun to Ride vol.5

May we join you?

Welcome to my house!

Welcome to my team!

Welcome to my
Happy Spring Horse Riding Team!!


Apr 2018 Fun to Ride vol.4

There might be a small hall on the ground, but do not worry!

It's just a mole's house!

No ogre in it!


Apr 2018 Fun to Ride vol.3

No fear! Just fun! Trust me!

Try to cross the small stream. It's not a river, juts a stream. No fear!


Apr 2018 Fun to Ride vol.2

You've got tired being home in winter?

It's sunny now. Why not go out riding on a horse!


Apr 2018 Fun to Ride vol.1

Spring has come!

It's time to go out and ride on the back of your body horse!


Mar 2018 The Return of Ten-Buyers vol.5 or epilogue

だらだらとお届けしてきた演目はたまたキャラ設定資料集、『The Return of Ten-Buyers』。春爛漫ないま、堂々のフィナーレ、というか、あとがきです。


『The Return of Ten-Buyers -Epilogue-』


ご存じのように(?)、テン・バイヤーズなる存在は、2017年1月、干支演目である『Mountain 11 and a Bird』にて、その敵役すなわちヴィランズとして存在が示唆されたことに始まりました。

その後、2018年1月~2月には、『7 Deadly or Happily, Whichever』という七福神をフィーチャーした縁起物でも再度キーワードが登場。






Mar 2018 The Return of Ten-Buyers vol. 4 

三皇、いや、三媼/三嫗の登場にますます混迷を増した『The Return of Ten-Buyers』^_^; すでにMountains 12も七福神もおいてけぼりな感もありますが、10人と3人、そしてもう3人、この関係だけは繋げておきたいと思います。

『The Return of Ten-Buyers』



Mar 2018 The Return of Ten-Buyers vol.3 

アクのテンバイ集団テン・バイヤーズ。その更に上位の支配階層として君臨する、黄白三連星(Egg Tristarz)。あやしさにあやしさを増してきたfi?ures 13 & playmo friends plus αによるキャスティング演劇もいよいよ佳境に?いえ、まだまだ登場します。そう、十王は動画で登場していますが、三皇がまだです。

『The Return of Ten-Buyers』






Mar 2018 The Return of Ten-Buyers vol.2 




Egg Tristarz




Mar 2018 The Return of Ten-Buyers vol.1 

みなさま、こんばんは。3月2日、満月の夜。怪しいやつらが帰って(?)きました。そう、2017年正月、酉年演目の『Mountain 11 and a Bird』で予告され、その存在がほのめかされつつの1年間登場なし!^_^;そして、2018年正月の『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』にて遂に…と期待されたあの!いわくつきのヴィラン、テン・バイヤーズが帰ってきました!題して…

『The Return of Ten-Buyers』

お気づきのように、横着(?)して手に入れたfi?ures series 13の男の子キャラと最新のplaymo friendsをベースに構成される悪役たち。そして、先月のケヴィン・コルグ氏の予言のとおり、なんと、10人では済まなかったというこのお話っ。はじまりはじまりー。

※動画の完成が遅れたため、3/2に執筆したものの結局アップは3/8となりましたm(_ _)m


Feb 2018 Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever vol.5 

新人ソングライターのクロエ・サザンフィールドを迎えてにぎやかさを増した財団のレーベル "Gene at the Table"。さて、ここらで映画『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』の話題に戻りたいところです。サントラの制作総指揮を手掛けたという黄色いヘルメットのサウンドエンジニア氏の体調はいかに…





もとい!こちらは、映画『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』のサントラ制作総指揮を手掛けた、えっと、お名前は…



Feb 2018 Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever vol. 4 

懐かしの顔ぶれから新人まで。"pax fantasica"と"production 75mm"のミュージシャンを満載したこの船は、そう、財団の私設海難救助隊チーム・ココ=マイアミに属する、東方重工(IHI)製人工知能搭載オーケアニデス級高速艇の弐號艦、ネーレイデス号。なんでも最近、並列化されたGPUを追加搭載し、これまでのCPUだけの時よりも格段にスピードアップを果たしたとかしないとか。さて。それはさておき、きょうはミュージシャンたちに注目です。

『Soundtrack - Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』



クロエさんは、なんと2017年のSpecial Plus出身なんだそうです。これまでになかった白いタイプのキーボードと、レトロな外観のスタンドマイクをもった、弾いて歌えるシンガーソングライターです。

財団のレーベル "Gene at the Table" からも楽曲を何曲か発表しているようですね。えっと、曲は…



Feb 2018 Seven Deadly or Happily Whichever vol.3 

7人の海賊?7人の神?海の民?月の技?なにやらワケのわからない設定はこれまで以上の新春演目、『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』。ですが、暦も進んで二月。ここでガラリと雰囲気を変えていきたいと思います。題して…

『Soundtrack - Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』



もといっ!こちらは、なんとオリンピックまでにあのバイアスロンドイツ代表女子を手に入れられなかったオロカなジーン=スティール氏が手掛ける新作映画、『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』の制作現場にきています。




Jan 2018 Seven Deadly or Happily Whichever vol.2 


『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever』








Jan 2018 Seven Deadly Or Happily Whichever vol.1 

恭賀新年。やってまいりました、the Year of the Dog。旧年中は滞りがちだった"pax fantasica"、時間差攻撃で慌ただしくアップしてなんとかの新年にこぎつけましたが^_^;みなさまいかがお過ごしでしょうか。

2016年のサル、2017年のトリに続いて、イヌ演目、すなわち"狼"の物語を年初から、というのがお約束でしょうがそこは温存(?)。いえ、決して話が出来ていないからではありません!ともかくまずは新春番組。おなじみのあの方を招いて、昨年の『Mountain 11 and a Bird』に続く形ではじめてみたく、よろしくおつきあいください。

『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever!』


みなさん、Happy New Year!

いまわたしは、そう、制作が発表されたばかりのあの新作映画(?)、『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever!』の制作現場に来ています!

2017年に公開されて話題を呼んだ『Mountain 11 and a Bird』に続くエピソードとして、プロデューサーのジーン=スティール氏が手掛けるこの作品。わたくしも僭越ながら撮影班として、参加させていただくことに決まりました。


そもそも『Seven Deadly or Happily, Whichever!』とは!?

あのMountain 12とTen Buyersの駆け引きに突如として飛び込んできた新たなチーム、海賊団"Seven Deadly Sins"、すなわち"七つの大罪"!

イヤ、Ten Buyersすらまだ登場していないってのにいいんでしょうか^_^;





